Tag Archives: home

How to Set The Mood With Home Fragrance

Home fragrance for living room.

Did you know that humans can remember smells longer than anything else? All it takes is a whiff of a familiar scent to place a memory. With such power over us, the power of scent cannot be overstated! Here’s how to set the mood with home fragrance! Home fragrance basics While it’s easy enough to

How To Repel Dirt And Fight Health Hazards

Repel dirt by taking off your shoes the moment you enter your house!

In these uncertain and dangerous times, it pays off to be extra vigilant! Contrary to popular belief, it’s easy to repel dirt, and in doing so, fight health hazards. We’ll show you how in a few easy steps! Repel Dirt: Watch Yourself Outside There’s no time like now to break bad habits! Watch yourself when

Top 10 Ways to Use Marble in Home Design

Marble in home design can blanket the space in luxe and modernity. Here are a few inspiring ways and neat tricks to master when incorporating the material into your living space: Leave no stone unturned Don’t let niches and recesses ruin the look of your stylish interior. Use marble in home design to convert these

Messy Home Fixes for Busy People

A messy home with toys strewn all over.

If you’ve ever walked into your child’s playroom only to impale yourself upon an errant Lego piece, we feel your pain. We won’t pretend it’s not a chore (and bore!) to pick up after the entire family. Still, there are easier ways to fight the clutter – it all begins with planning and a few