How Homes are Being Shaped By Post MCO Life

Modern minimalist Scandinavian kitchen and dining area design, with brown table surface and white chairs to reflect post MCO life and dining habits.

When Malaysia’s Movement Control Order was first announced in the middle of March, many of us scrambled into action. Most had little idea of how to survive the foreseeable future working from home. Almost three months down the road, life as we know it has changed. The New Normal is the buzzword of the day, but what does it truly mean? Here’s what we think will happen for post MCO life at home!

Working from home has become a permanent fixture of post mco life! Keep your workspace neat.

Working From Home is viable for post MCO life!

With so many businesses incorporating Work From Home schemes over the past three months, it’s understandable that we’ve all done up our home offices for maximum efficiency and comfort. Think comfortably ergonomic chairs, well-lit desks, lots of proper coffee, and communal catch-ups with colleagues over Zoom and Skype calls! More and more, we’re learning that it’s not just viable to work from home; it’s also productive and conducive to creative work!

Living room with soft furnishings, carpets, throw pillows, and coffee table for post mco hangout sessions!

Post MCO life will see us spend more time in the kitchen

Raise your hand if your Instagram feed has been inundated with home-cooked meals throughout the MCO (We mean you, Dalgona Coffee lovers!). While many Malaysians have taken to tightening their purse strings with unnecessary expenses, few have opted to give up on good eating. In fact, most Malaysians have been eating healthier home-cooked meals during the MCO, and this trend is likely to continue as we embark on a new normal!

We’ll continue to spend time with the family

Sharing a living and working space with the family has become the new norm! The living room today needs to be extra comfortable to accommodate family game nights and Netflix sessions. Add extra little comforts like throw pillows, wraps, carpets, and rocking chairs! Don’t forget the dining space, where families are now taking time to sit down and eat together.

Related: Why Your Kid’s Bedroom May Be Curbing Their Growth

We’ve all become DIY mavericks post MCO

Arts and crafts have become more than just a passing hobby – throughout the pandemic, handicrafts like crochet and sewing became a means of therapy. And judging by the number of Malaysians making reusable facemasks, we’re all pretty good at it! Many homeowners are also indulging in home improvement, and this means new coats of paint for the wall and various other fun, engaging decorative endeavours!

Greenery in thriving balcony for those who have started gardening in post mco life.

Home gardening is in!

Re-growing food from kitchen scraps and nurturing fruit and vegetables from seedlings is the name of the game! From home cooks cleverly growing beansprouts in water bottles to dedicated balcony gardeners creating a green haven of their own, it’s clear to see that Malaysians are embracing nature in all its bountiful glories!

Cleanliness is key

Even the most laissez-faire of Malaysians have begun to take food safety and hand cleanliness seriously! With hand sanitisers reaching new heights of popularity and plenty of Standard Operating Procedures in place, the home (and body!) has never been cleaner! In light of the New Normal, this is one habit we’re happy to see continue!

How has the MCO affected your life personally? Share your experiences and the little changes you’ve made!